MTF Ergonomics Project Phase II Update

The Massage Therapy Foundation is excited to have received a great deal of interest in its Ergonomics Project Phase II data collection! To date, over 100 MassageNet members have signed up to participate. Behind the scenes, a tremendous amount of activity is taking place.

The project started with design of the data collection forms. The forms captured information about the massage therapist, their client, and the therapy space. Questions included information on the massage duration, client body type, and number of massages performed in a day. MTs were asked about their perceived exertion level following a massage, which can be compared to physiological data collected (including heart rate).

Sensor devices for this study were configured so that they could be worn during a treatment without interfering with the MT’s work. This was accomplished by use of straps which allowed the devices to be worn on the upper arm instead of the wrist.

The data collection process began with shipping devices to the first set of the MassageNet member participants. Upon receipt of the device, a participant onboarded via tutorials providing education on sensor use/care, and received instructions on responding to the surveys. They then wore the device during their normal massage routine for one calendar week. When the process was complete, the device was cleaned and shipped to next participant.

Briotix Health will provide MTF with data collection support, transferring the data to sheets where it will later be analyzed by the study leaders for trends among the massage therapists.

We look forward to sharing more about the data collected as the project unfolds!

Spring 2024 Updates

We have been hard at work preparing two articles relating to MassageNet for publication. The first is a commentary about the role of practice-based research networks (PBRNs) and their contributions to massage therapy research. We are excited to share that this commentary was just published in the International Journal of Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (IJTMB). It discusses what PBRNs are, how the massage therapy profession can benefit from PBRNs, and how MassageNet will help fill the gap between research and practice. Access the Zabel & Munk, 2024 article here.

The second article is currently in preparation with the Massage Therapy Foundation Research Committee, which oversees the operation and management of MassageNet. It will describe MassageNet’s growth and characteristics during its first year and a half after relaunching in 2022. It will contain an overview of membership characteristics as well as the steps that were taken to build the network before and after the relaunch. Part of the goal of this article is to share lessons learned and challenges as MassageNet builds and grows, and to project future milestones.

We will share additional links and news related to this work as soon as they are available.

Research Study: Misconceptions of Terminology and Definitions in Deep Tissue and Myofascial Techniques

Misconceptions of Terminology and Definitions in Deep Tissue and Myofascial Techniques
Principal Investigator: Michael Rivera, California State University

***7.11.2023 UPDATE: This study, introduced in the March 2023 MassageNet Newsletter, examines the terminology surrounding deep tissue massage. Data collection closed in April, and manuscript preparation is in progress. The final results will be made available to MassageNet members when they are ready.***

Deep Tissue and Myofascial Release are popular massage techniques. Terminology and definitions for these techniques vastly differ in secondary sources compared to the intention of the Massage Therapist. Participants will complete a survey about terminology relating to Deep Tissue and Myofascial Release techniques. Follow-up interviews discuss several clinical scenarios, which may further clarify definitions, terminology, treatment rationale, and desired patient outcomes.

MassageNet members who met this study’s eligibility criteria received an email invitation with a QR code link to the survey. The study is now closed.

Massage Therapists’ Attitudes and Knowledge about Mental Health: An Explanatory Sequential Mixed Methods Study

Massage Therapists’ Attitudes and Knowledge about Mental Health: An Explanatory Sequential Mixed Methods Study
Principal Investigator: Samantha Zabel, Indiana University

***7.11.2023 UPDATE: This study was introduced in the March 2023 Newsletter and seeks to recognize the potential role for massage therapists as a referral point for mental health resources. Conducted in two parts, a survey and interviews, this study has completed data collection as of June 30, 2023. Over the next few months, data will be analyzed and compiled into manuscript form. MassageNet will distribute the resulting paper when it becomes available.***

Clinician understanding and perceptions of mental health can impact how their patients receive care. This study will investigate massage therapists’ knowledge about, experiences with, and attitudes toward mental health and mental illness, with the intent of elucidating any impact on patient care. Participants will complete a survey about their understanding and perceptions of mental health and mental illness. Follow-up interviews will seek to learn about participants’ clinical, educational, and personal experiences with mental health and mental illness. The results of this study may help inform how mental health is taught in massage education.

MassageNet members who met this study’s eligibility criteria received an email invitation with a QR code link to the survey. The study is now closed.

This study was featured on Massage Therapy Foundation’s Research Perch podcast! Check it out below and read the accompanying blog here: